Mari L. McCarthy, the Founder/Chief Empowerment Officer of, mentors health-conscious people in using the ultimate holistic health tool, therapeutic journaling (Journaling for the Health of It), to heal the psychological, spiritual, and physical issues in their tissues and to grow and transform their lives. Author of the award-winning Journaling Power: How To Create The Happy, Healthy Life You Want To Live, and Heal Your Self With Journaling Power, books she’s also created 20+ Life-Changing Journaling Workbooks including Heal Your Life, Get Healthy and Declutter Your Life in 21 Days.
Welcome Author ~ Mari L. McCarthy
It’s been such a pleasure connecting with you. Journaling has been a huge focus to discovery. One thing that touched me the most, I found your story so amazing. You were diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and have fully healed. Can you tell me how or what led you on this healing journey?
I always believed that one of my life purposes was to create the healthiest TeamMari possible. The Universe presented me with Journaling, the ultimate health aide, that helps me deal with healing the issues in my tissues and empowers me to pursue achieving that goal. The key was to get clear and specific on what my healing goal was and that sent a signal to the Universe to present me with avenues and options.
Inspiration for writing Heal Your Self with Journaling Power
The idea of using journal as a tool to heal yourself is not talked about often. But you are testament of this healing. What inspired you to write Heal Your Self with Journaling Power?
About 4-5 years ago, I was feeling that it was time to write a book about my Journaling Journey and provide guidance (prompts, exercises) on how people could use journaling in dealing and mastering their life challenges. So my journal and I scoped out a Journaling Power Trilogy. The first book, Journaling Power: How To Create The Happy, Healthy Life You Want To Live was my self-help memoir and Heal Your Self With Journaling Power would be the self-help memoirs of other journalers and how they manage and master their life challenges with journaling. We currently at work on book #3 on how to transform from self-saboteur to self-lover.
How long did it take you to write your book and how hard did you work to get here?
About 1 1/2 years. It basically involved researching my blog for journaling journey posts that represented dealing with a variety of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual challenges and then interviewing the journalers, and giving them each their own chapter to share their story.
What is the message (theme or takeaway) can readers embrace in your story?
That we all have the potential to be and become who we want to be and by creating a daily, pen to paper journaling self-care practice we learn how to live our life from the inside out and soar!
What amazing experience did you learn while writing Heal Your Self with Journaling Power?
The stories of the other journalers made me understand that we have more in common than I ever believed before. I picked up many tips and insights for making myself a healthier, happier, more compassionate human being.
What’s Next for Mari L. McCarthy
Is there a new book in the making? Could you share a little blurb or give us a hint about it etc.
Yes, I’ve started work on the third book in the Journaling Power trilogy: Create Unconditional Self-Love – A Journaling Power Book. It will be a self-help memoir like Journaling Power: How To Create The Happy, Healthy Life You Want To Live. It will show how journaling helped me transform from a super self-critic into unconditional self-lover. And, as always, there will be lots of journal writing prompts and exercises.
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to become a writer?
Keep a daily journal so you always stay connected to your core. A Journal will help you stay connected to your muse and you won’t be overwhelmed by writer’s block, page fright, and/or inner critic issues. Journaling keeps you in your body and shows you how to use your heart and soul to create awesome writing continuously.