Elizabeth Bartasius is the award-winning author of the debut novel, The Elegant Out, praised by Kirkus Reviews as “…a riveting tale of maturing womanhood and an insightful peek into the creative process.” She lives in the Caribbean with her husband and a rogue iguana. Connect with her and access her private creative gallery at www.elizabethbartasius.com.
Welcome Author
~ Elizabeth Bartasius
What childhood memories brought you joy?
Granny in her witch costume at Halloween every year wearing that long green nose with a huge rubber wart. Collecting hermit crabs on the beach. Chasing my little brother. Playing tennis – I played almost every day since I was three until I retired after college. Slumber parties with my cousin; we were so very silly. Thick as thieves. I especially liked sleeping over at her house on a Saturday night because her parents would take us to Dunkin Donuts breakfast on Sundays.
Who did you consider your mentor in your growing years?
My granny, as written in the The Elegant Out. 😉 I wanted to be just like her. Still do. She traveled all over the world. She read so many books; she seemed to know all the answers to every Trivial Pursuit question. And, she was always dancing and singing. The epitome of sophistication and beauty—she was the Jackie O of our family.
How hard have you worked to get here?
Oh gosh, so very hard, mostly because of the internal struggles I had to overcome. Years of self-help courses, not to mention thousands of dollars invested in improving myself. I’ve gone through so many notebooks of writing, reflection, dialogue and discovery. I’ve left a bad marriage, raised a son, worked monotonous-grueling jobs, battled the “I’m not good enough,” learned to sit and engage with the writing practice over and over again, etc. The learning to actually write part took some training, but was always something I knew I could do.
The protagonist in The Elegant Out references a life of zigzags. What strikes me most is that for many years it seemed I wasn’t even on this trajectory, despite wanting to be an author. I remember one day a couple years ago, on a nondescript day, I looked up from the laptop, felt the island breeze in my hair and thought, Wow, I did it. I got where I was going but hadn’t seen it coming because, I think, I had been caught up in the moment-by-moment of life. It’s good to pick our heads up every once in a while and assess, acknowledge, and celebrate.
Inspiration for writing
The Elegant Out
I was attracted to your book cover. You can somehow see I’m a visual person. How important do you think it is, as a first contact point to attract readers to a book – your book?
Uber importante! Images arouse our senses, as do the words inside the book. But, that cover image MUST do it with a single glance. In a matter of seconds book cover has to convey what the potential reader will get if they put down their money and invest their precious time in reading the book. If the reader is turned off, they likely won’t even bother with the title, let alone the awesome blurbs, or back matter. Think of how you scroll through books and take note of how quickly you make an assumption about the content; I know I’m a total snob about image quality. It only takes a heartbeat to lose or gain a new fan.
What inspired you to write The Elegant Out?
I’d written multiple novels prior, but hadn’t completed them. This book was an exercise in building the muscle of completion. I just didn’t want to go another year telling friends, “I’m still working on the book.” I wanted to be able to say, “I finished my book.”
Also, I’d started writing this book as a gift to a friend about eight years ago. I never told her I was working on it, so I also wanted to finally be able to present it to her.
Ultimately, it’s the story I wanted to be told me when I younger. Who knows, maybe I wouldn’t have questioned myself for so many years had I read something like this earlier.
How long did you take to complete your book for publication?
Total working time rings in at between 300-400 hours.
BUT, from when I began it to when I finished it was about 7 years.
I’m grateful to this book. I transformed in the process and I learned so much about what I was capable of. Once can argue that my story was unfolding those seven years, which is true. And had I finished it quickly then, The Elegant Out would be a very different book. I’m proud of The Elegant Out as for first novel.
Going forward, I think seven years is too much time to spend my life force one short novella. Even if it’s just simmering in the background while I do other things. When I gave my good friend a copy, she devoured it in 90 minutes, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the discrepancy between the time it took her to read it and time I took in writing it. I vowed to no longer leave my life force stagnant on one story that long again.
I have too many stories to worry about the unfolding. Next time, it’s consistent writing and ‘get it on out the door’. Ideas are backing up as we speak. J
What is the message (theme or takeaway) can readers embrace in the story?
Be crazy enough to want. We all have hands around our throat—we can take them off. Your voice is important. Your desires are important. Since, I’m a self-reflection junkie, I offer you the four specific questions I’ve been asking at book signing and events:
- What makes you come alive?
- Where does fear stop you?
- If you were unleashed, what would you do?
- What do you want to be acknowledged for?
Who would you choose to cast as the main character in the story?
Emily Blunt, thank you!
What amazing experience did you learn while writing The Elegant Out?
Not only that I could write anywhere at anytime, but that I could follow-through and complete a book. Now, when I notice that “I can’t” fear setting in, I can call it for what is it: B.S.
Oh, and readers love my writing! Not all, of course. The book isn’t for everyone. But those who resonate with the story and the writing style have been gushing about it, which is so incredibly heart-warming and confidence building. Thanks ya’ll! That support and encouragement means so much. xoxo
What’s Next for Elizabeth
Is there a new book in the making? Could you share a little blurb or give us a hint on the story or theme, etc.
Oooo, la la. I just started a psychological thriller. I’m so excited! It’s a new genre for me as a writer, so it’s wonderfully challenging. My Writer’s Circle has already vetted the opening hook chapter and give it a thumbs up.
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to become a writer?
You know when ‘they’ say that you have to write consistently? Much to my wanderlust’s chagrin, it’s true. BUT, find your own rhythm and trust your unique process. I spent too many years attempting to fit into someone else’s mold and that didn’t work so well.
Play with it. Enjoy it. Ask, what sounds like fun to you? Then follow your goosebumps.
If you are having trouble starting, set the bar low. I mean, super, super low. One paragraph. 15 minutes. Whatever feels light and easy. Build from there.