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Author | Video Creator

My Vision for our Future

We live in a world that honors and respects life and where life is treated with dignity. In doing this, we can change our dynamics and grow into people who make a difference. We learn to appreciate and value each other for who we are and for being part this amazing experience we call life.

It takes a lot of courage to speak from my heart because my soul knows my every word.




Who Am I

I believe the fight against zombies just got creative because they are everywhere.

I am a Singapore born Eurasian of Portuguese descent. Music, music, music from the 80s and their videos, ruled my world. I am a lover of movies. Futuristic, action, thrillers and zombies apocalypse are among my favourites.

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Imagination and the Curious Mind

Is having a curious mind important in your life? Or perhaps like many others you might say only children often like to ask “why”? Imagine with me for a second, let’s try to understand the link between imagination and the curious mind. Would you agree that boredom could be the missing ingredient that binds the […]

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